Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who needs helping!

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Here are some of the ways in which you can extend a helping hand!


Helping a child get education is the best way to pull him out of poverty and make him lead an independent life. 


Shelter is one basic necessity that all of us are in need of. It is quite saddening that many people out there do not have it. You and I can change the situation


We are also in need of volunteers who can be a part of our team and help us achieve better. Let us know if you love it.


Child labour is one of the cruelest things that are happening globally. Let us join hands and voice against it. 

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Role Of Charitable Organisations Are Imperative – Why?

Role Of Charitable Organisations Are Imperative – Why?

Charity organisations have always played a pivotal role in the society that we live. However, people have different perspectives about charity, and that is the reason as to why people sometimes oppose the presence of service and charitable organisations. A lot of people think that if that if they ever had access to people who are in need of help, they wouldn’t care about these services organisations and help themselves. So here are some of that you have to know in case if you are asking why the world needs NGOs and charitable organisations.

They link people:
The charitable funding system happens across the globe. When you do charity, it is not always for the person-next-door or the person you know. Also, charity is something that has to go globally. Don’t you think that you will be happy if your charity reaches someone in Somalia? It is quite impractical for you to think that you can do it all by yourself as you very know that it is not possible. That is why we need charity organisations that connect people.

No favouritism:
The next thing that charity organisations can work against is favouritism. Most NGOs resolve that they wouldn’t be lending a helping hand carrying their own grudge and favouritism in their hearts. This is possible only through third-party organisations. If not for them, it is not possible for people to connect with people who belong to different faith and downtrodden caste. A person of Catholic faith might help a person who belongs to the church and not anyone else. But this charity goes beyond religion and faith.


Helps government:
Governments are also highly benefited because of the presence of these charitable organisations. People who belong to NGOs and charitable organisations act as volunteers in many government-run programs and help in creating awareness in different fields. They consider this a part of their charity. Also, since these governmental organisations work for the betterment of the people, it automatically helps in the growth of the nation and reduces poverty and illiteracy to a greater extent.

There are actually positive results:
With the help of these service organisations, the world is actually able to see a lot of positive differences, which otherwise wouldn’t have been possible. Forget about the results, the news of the nations that are going through unbearable poverty came out only because of the presence of these organisations. People were able to trust, and they came forward to make contributions.

People still trust the work of organisations:
Most people in the world are still ones who believe in the existence of these organisations. Like those who believe that charity organisations can be a hoax, there are also people who strongly believe that their money is safe when they contribute it through NGOs and that is wrong. That is why we need charity organisations to coordinate these people and get them to extend a helping hand.

Winter Activities for Toddlers

Running an in home day care during the winter months can be a real challenge, especially when there are toddlers around. Toddlers need to be able to burn off their energy. The challenge is figuring out safe activities that the children can do while they are indoors. The list below has some helpful ideas on fun activities for toddlers.

1. The first ideas is what we like to call an un-candy hunt. This is your basic candy hunt with a little twist to it. Instead of actually filling the kids up on candy you will instead be giving them healthy treats, disguised as candy. You can easily make your own candy using little models and wrap them in candy paper. All of the supplies can be found at your local arts and craft stores. They even sell candy making kits. By making them yourself you can lower the amount of sugar in the candy. For the game you can hide the candy in places around the rooms that the children are allowed in. Hiding them in one general room is usually a good idea. This way you wont have toddlers wondering every which way. The reward for finding the candy is to eat it of course. It is also a good idea to hide several different pieces (one for each child) in each location. This way you can be sure there is no fighting.

2. Create a giant coloring book. This particular project is one that I have found to be a lot of fun, when caring for multiple children. It is best to construct your giant coloring book over the weekend so that it all ready when the kids arrive. Visit your local arts and crafts supply store and purchase a large roll of paper. When you arrive home unroll several long pieces and cut them into squares. You can make them as large as you choose. Staple at least five pieces together in order to make the giant coloring books. You can write the name of each child on the first page with your own funny picture. This way when they arrive at the beginning of the week each, one will have their own. Included with each giant coloring book should be a box of crayons. The kids can draw their own pictures or you can draw a few sketches and allow them to color them in.

3. Put on a play. Putting on your on daycare play is a lot of fun. You can create little costumes for the kids and have them act out a fun story. The kids will really enjoy acting out their favorite characters.

4. Create activity centers. Fun little centers where different activities and games can be played will keep little ones occupied. You can have one center with a kitchen, another center with building blocks, and one for coloring or painting. Try creating fun and educational centers that will allow the toddler to learn while they are playing.

These are all suggestions that may prove to be useful for daycare providers, when the weather outside is no longer good for little ones. Source: Infantcore.

Charity Doesn’t Reach The Right Place. What Should We Do?

Charity Doesn’t Reach The Right Place. What Should We Do?

Charity is one of the most required acts of humanity. The world is in need of charity doers. But does it end there? Do you think that if more people start donating the problems of the world will come to an end? We do not think so. We, in fact, contradict with the very first statement. Even today we believe that there are a lot of people who are involved in charity, but still, the world hasn’t gotten over poverty, illiteracy and child labour. So, where does the real problem lie? That is what we are going to see here.

The real problem: Infiltration in charity
The real problem with charity is that they aren’t properly channelised, and they do not reach the hands of the poor and the needy. That is why we still witness global suffering. If you are a do-gooder, you will obviously wonder as to where all the money in the world goes. We know some people swindle a lot of money but how does that affect the charity that commoners do? This is one of the biggest questions of the 21st century. Even if we take the global economy, we still know that people are suffering from instability in growth. While one country’s growth multiplies, the other country’s growth deteriorates. This imbalance is witnessed globally for a very long time. That is when people introduced the concept of charity. People who have will contribute a portion of their wealth to people who do not have.


A lot of people were ready to donate and a large number of them ready to receive, but there was nobody to connect them. That is when social organisations came into the picture. These social organisations were said to collaborate with the ones who would donate and the ones who would want it. Though things initially seemed right, then something went wrong, and these charities stopped reaching the right place. Nobody knows if they were hoarded or are simply going to wrong places where people are not in need of money.

We are not blaming:
The first thing that you have to understand is that we are not blaming, we are simply helping you understand that the money that you donate might not reach the hands of the needy. At the same time, you cannot lose trust on these social organisations as they actually have a role to play in the society, because, if it were not for them, then the poor and needy would suffer more. We simply have to make sure that the help is channelised in the right way. As far as possible we will have to help the needy people directly. This way we can make sure that our help reaches the right place.

Select the Best SEO Company in New York

Tired of bad SEO? Want to have the best SEO New York City specialists who not only offers desired results but also holistic internet marketing approach for your online business? Let professional SEO company give you fresh and optimized web pages and help you maintain the online presence. No need to do all the tedious work yourself. Let professionals do it for you.

Search engine optimization is a process of improving website ranking by changes in meta tags, keywords, titles and other elements. Ineffective search engine optimization can lower website traffic and can even lead to high click through rates but it will never bring about major improvements in your bottom line. To have top rankings in major search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN you need comprehensive and effective SEO services.

Search engine marketing is the process of promoting a web page through search engines. You can promote a web page via organic means like article marketing, directory submissions, blogs and social media networking. Organic SEO service can be provided by a New York SEO company that will make your web page optimize with relevant keywords that can drive maximum traffic to your site.

Now days search engine marketing services are offered by various New York SEO companies. SEO New York specializes in providing organic search engine optimization to corporate clients and professionals. The company has experts that deliver customized and personalized SEO solutions to clients. They also provide internet marketing services, link building services, content optimization and web design.

SEO New York services incorporate strategies for keyword research, competitor analysis and behavioral segmentation. These techniques enable you to create an optimized website for the major search engines. The optimization includes on-page optimization where they conduct audits on your web pages for flaws and suggest remedial measures. This helps in removing any duplicate content, avoiding text and title stuffing, site maps and internal linking. The on-page optimization is followed by off-page optimization, which ensures that the targeted keywords are used on all the web pages.

SEO companies in New York can also help to build backlinks to your web page. Backlinks play a vital role in improving your search engine rankings. The more backlinks a page gets, the better it is positioned for rankings. Link building in New York can help you achieve more visibility in major search engines like Google and Yahoo. With these improved rankings, you get more visitors and business.

A professional search engine optimization company provides ethical SEO services. You should know about PPC (pay per click) advertising and its role in improving your rankings in the search engines. Most of the companies in New York follow pay per click advertising and thus concentrate on maximizing traffic flow towards your web page. PPC requires regular payments to be made to the optimization company and thus, they have to work quickly. It is a good idea to compare the prices of various companies in New York. By doing this, you will be able to choose the one that suits you the best.

New York is home to some of the best SEO companies and SEO professionals. If you want to improve your rankings in the search results, you must choose the best one in New York. Compare the services and packages of different companies in order to pick the one that best suits your requirements. With the help of the optimization agency in New York, you can achieve the success you dream of.

You should be careful while choosing an SEO agency in New York. The first thing you need to check is the clientele of the SEO agency in New York. If you want to choose an SEO company in New York that specializes in affordable SEO services, you can ask your friends and relatives who have availed the best seo services in New York. They will be able to tell you who the best companies in New York are. The feedback from their clients can also help you in choosing the right company in New York.

The second thing that you need to check is whether the seo company in New York concentrates in link building or organic SEO campaigns. Link building is essential for improving your rankings in the search engines and there are numerous link building firms in New York that offer organic SEO services at affordable rates. In the competitive market of internet marketing, it is essential to use effective link building techniques to stay ahead of the competitors. You can hire the best seo company in New York that offers cheap link building services to get maximum advantage over your competitors.

SEO in New York offers services for creating inbound links from other websites. These inbound links will improve your rankings in the search engines. There are various online business magazines that contain important information about link building and organic SEO. You can read these magazines to get detailed information about the different types of link building techniques and its effect on your search engine rankings.

Indexsy – Enterprise SEO Company NYC
Phone: (718) 618-4333
296 Madison Ave #134
New York, NY 10017

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